Out There Grilled Cheese! Swiss Chard & Gruyère Grilled Cheese

This is one I never could have imagined on my own. Who uses Gruyère in a grilled cheese sandwich over a bed of sauteed Swiss chard?!  As of now, we do!

Raccoons or deer ate up most of my garden this past summer, including the Swiss chard I had growing. But Swiss chard is a tough little productive thing! Even though it was eaten down to the soil, the plants would send up new leaves. Each time, those got eaten off, too. But when pulling the tomato cages out of the garden along with the dead plants and vines after our first fall frost, I found 2 chard plants still alive & well with some uneaten leaves on them. We harvested the leaves and put together this recipe that I had been hoping to try with some chard from the garden. I feel very fortunate to have been able to feed the resident deer & raccoon populations from my garden & fruit trees all summer and still have just enough Swiss chard leftover to enjoy this unusual grilled cheese sandwich. We sure did enjoy it!

Swiss Chard & Gruyère Grilled Cheese

Swiss Chard & Gruyère Grilled Cheese

Swiss Chard & Gruyère Grilled Cheese (adapted from sproutedkitchen.com)   Makes 2 sandwiches


  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, divided
  • 1 ounce Swiss chard, stems removed and thinly chopped or arugulaswiss chard & gruyere grilled cheese (1)
  • 1 ounce (1/3 cup) Gruyère cheese, grated
  • 1 ounce (1/4 cup) mozzarella cheese, grated
  • 1 small shallot, finely minced
  • 4 slices whole grain bread
  • 1 tart apple, (such as Braeburn, honey crisp or Granny Smith), thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons whole grain or stone ground mustard
  • sea salt

Preheat your cast iron skillet or grill pan over medium heat. Combine the grated cheeses and set them aside. Sauté the Swiss chard or arugula leaves with the shallot in 1/2 tablespoon of the oil for 2-3 minutes, until the chard is wilted & the shallot starts to turn translucent. Transfer the chard & shallot to a small bowl.

It doesn't take long for the Swiss chard to wilt & the shallot to soften.

It doesn’t take long for the Swiss chard to wilt & the shallot to soften.

Divide the mustard between 2 of the 4 slices of bread, spreading it to the edges. Lay 2-3 three slices of thinly sliced apple on top of the mustard. Divide the shredded cheese between the two sandwiches, on top of the apple slices in an even layer. Divide the sautéed greens on top of the cheese and top each sandwich with a remaining slice of bread.

The sauteed chard & shallot are last on before the second slice of bread.

The sauteed chard & shallot are last on before the second slice of bread.

Drizzle some olive oil on the top piece of bread, sprinkle it with a touch of sea salt and put the sandwich in the pan, oiled side down. Cover the sandwich with a press, if using, and cook it for two minutes. Drizzle oil on the top slice of bread and flip the sandwich over and cook for another two minutes, until the cheese is melted through. Repeat with the second sandwich. Cut each sandwich in half and serve warm.

All I can say is, "Mmmmmm!"

All I can say is, “Mmmmmm!”

This is our new go-to grilled cheese sandwich!  ~Linda

Swiss Chard & Gruyère Grilled Cheese (adapted from sproutedkitchen.com)   Makes 2 sandwiches


  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, divided
  • 1 ounce Swiss chard, stems removed and thinly chopped
  • 1 ounce (1/3 cup) Gruyère cheese, grated
  • 1 ounce (1/4 cup) mozzarella cheese, grated
  • 1 small shallot, finely minced
  • 4 slices whole grain bread
  • 1 tart apple, (such as Braeburn, honey crisp or Granny Smith), thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons whole grain mustard
  • sea salt

Preheat your cast iron skillet or grill pan over medium heat. Combine the grated cheeses and set them aside. Sauté the Swiss chard leaves with the shallot in 1/2 tablespoon of the oil for 2-3 minutes, until the chard is wilted & the shallot starts to turn translucent. Transfer the chard & shallot to a small bowl.

Divide the mustard between 2 of the 4 slices of bread, spreading it to the edges. Lay 2-3 three slices of thinly sliced apple on top of the mustard. Divide the shredded cheese between the two sandwiches, on top of the apple slices in an even layer. Divide the sautéed greens on top of the cheese and top each sandwich with a remaining slice of bread.

Drizzle some olive oil on the top piece of bread, sprinkle it with a touch of sea salt and put the sandwich in the pan, oiled side down. Cover the sandwich with a press, if using, and cook it for two minutes. Drizzle oil on the top slice of bread and flip the sandwich over and cook for another two minutes, until the cheese is melted through. Repeat with the second sandwich. Cut each sandwich in half and serve warm.

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